
Total Slacker. . . not my fault!

I just wanted to let everybody know that I am a slacker. My husband was great and posted stuff during his Alaska trip but I haven't done anything on our blog for a while. SORRY! The truth is, I have been reading. I am not a huge reader but the Twilight series definitely sucked me in. Thank goodness I finished all three books in less than a week so that I can get on with my life, pay attention to my children, do my dishes, the laundry, cook dinner, all those things that went down the drain while I was reading those darn books. Yes- I enjoyed them, yes- I am glad I am done, yes- I am planning on starting the fourth one as soon as I can get my hands on it.


FamiliesareForever said...

I am a huge twilight fan! I can't wait for "breaking dawn" Yay! Only 2 weeks left!


Jodi B. said...

Welcome to the club! I read all 3 books in 4 days while Dave was out of town. I hope you can adjust again to real life.

Cayde and Brianna Taylor Family said...

I too was addicted to that crazy series! It was sort of a love hate relationship because I loved the story, couldn't put it down but kept on reading and neglecting my children and husband during the process. :) Totally can relate

The Goodrich's said...

I went through the same thing! Can't wait for #4!

Natalie said...

You already know how I feel about the twilight books... I LOVE THEM!!! But I was happy when I got done with them so that I could pay attention to everything else that I forgot about while I was reading them.

Also, those watches are WAY cute! I would love to have one. Is there any way you could just get the stuff for me, and then I could make it later?

I have a lot of stuff to make bracelets and things, so maybe we could get together and make a couple of different bracelets to hook onto the watch. That would be fun!

Kellie said...

Oh those twilight books seriously make me a bad mother! I carry the book around with me and read them every time I have a little down time. I even would sneak in a little read at a stop light(JUST KIDDEN) anyways... good stuff.. glad to see you are back, and the boys had a good time!